Freedom in the Present Past

together with Daniel Hüttler, Klaus Rabeder und Janina Weißengruber
2K, AT/EE/HU 2024, 24 min
German, Estonian, Hungarian with English subtitles

stills from the film

Freedom in the Present Past is an experimental short-film-project by Daniel Hüttler, Pille-Riin Jaik, Klaus Rabeder and Janina Weißengruber that was shot in four different rural places in Europe focusing on houses and their inhabitants: Székesfehérvár (HUN), Lümandu (EST), Waizenkirchen (AT) and Gresten(AT). It deals with the concepts of property, well-being, rootedness and generational differences.

Items on display include: An old farm with poisoned soil, latex gloves impudently exploring and touching an environment that is not theirs, an old forest barn with a collapsed roof that became a home, four different cameras trying to hold on to something, each with their very own ways, a family home filled with Soviet stories and socialist dreams, insecure steps and movements towards a distant past and another building housing a family and their business on muddy ground and cracking facades.

First presented in the framework of Shadowcasting: vabadus oleviku minevikus in Elektron Kunstisaal